“…one of the country’s leading educational researchers, John Pryor. He talks about his research and others that have found that where a child goes to college matters so much less than we think, and what actually matters, what actually leads to the career success and wellbeing we want for them is how they go to college.”
Helping people make better choices concerning going to college by discrediting entrenched myths through rigorous research findings.
Misguided beliefs about where to go to college are causing an epidemic of anxiety among parents and students, and that doesn’t need to be the case. John systematically goes through some of the biggest misconceptions people have about choosing a college that cause such stress and show you what the research tells us actually happens, as opposed to what the media and others portray.
As a higher education researcher for over 30 years, John has conducted some of this research himself, and has firsthand knowledge of what researchers know that most people do not.
John makes this crucial information accessible and relevant so that armed with better awareness of the facts you can make better and more confident choices about college with less anxiety. He will show you that it’s not where you go, but what you do in college that points towards a great job and a great life.
For speaking engagements email John at john@johnpryorspeaks.com
John's TEDxUCLA Talk "How to Make College Better and Why We Need To" looks at the disconnect between what students learn in college and what employers say they are looking for in hiring.
“After many years of working with college and universities, John Pryor has turned his attention to educating parents and students about college choice, college costs, college outcomes, the reality of debt and what matters most in choosing a college. He backs every bit of information up with recent and thorough data that should be considered prior to making college decisions. Brilliant! Students, parents, and counselors are thrilled to have this information going forward.”
For Education Professionals:
John speaks to education professionals, business leaders, parents, and students about the college experience past, present, and future. Having led multiple national college survey projects, he has a unique perspective on trends and innovation in higher education. John has given plenary and invited talks for NASPA, AACRAO, SCUP, AIR, CEIA, and other letters of the alphabet.
In addition to the large plenary talks at conferences he has also spoken at smaller more intimate events such as The Lawlor Group's "Summer Seminar" and "Lunch with Lawlor" series, and corporate events for Higher One and CollegeSource.
“John’s keynote address at our conference on the future of higher education made a significant and key contribution to the conversations that followed. His research and perspectives laid an important foundation for understanding the current issues facing students today and crafting a view of how we can move forward. We are deeply grateful for the clarity, precision, focus - and welcome dash of humor - that John offered through his talk and presence at our gathering.”
Speaking Topics
Exposing Myths And Reducing Stress About College Choice:
What The Research Tells Us About Where to Go and What To Do
Applying to college and choosing where to go are major sources of stress for parents and students for years leading up to the college acceptance notification. What if it did not need to be that way? John Pryor uses his decades of experience conducting research on higher education at the highest levels to bust stress causing myths about college and telling you what really matters. Set yourself up for success in choosing your college and confidently knowing what to do when you are on campus.
The Big Six: What College Research Tells Us Are The Most Important Things To Do In College For A Great Job And A Great Life
Make the most out of your college experience by knowing what to do to set yourself up for success. Research by top experts in the field, John Pryor and others, tells you the key 6 things to do in college that are connected to wellbeing and career engagement later in life.
Additional topics:
The Disconnect Between College and Career
Measuring Wellbeing To Create Effective Programs
Redefining Success in Higher Education
The Importance of Sense of Belonging